Friday, June 17, 2011

Please Visit Our New Website!

To see the latest student drawings from the Watsonville Sketchers as well as our new Scribbles Institute drawing studio at 303 Potrero #59 Santa Cruz, California 831.421.0774:
Drawing League schools and student work: Click here
Our new website: Click here

What Do You Want to Draw Today?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Weeks 7-10: Lines, Shapes, Proportions, Contours, Tonal Values

 The Watsonville Sketchers continued drawing with lines and shapes as they aimed for accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). Some students have pushed their skills and began studying contour edges and the 3D form of things. Above left is Yvonne's dragonfly study of drawing natural contour edges and realistic proportions. And above right is her study sketch of an egret while using positive and negative space to draw its form.

Above left and right are two of Yvonne's drawings that she brought to class for sharing on our blog. Students are encouraged to bring in drawings they've done on their own time.

We've got a lot of students who've learned to draw accurate proportions with lines and shapes. Upper left is Jose's toucan and to the right is Eduardo's puffer fish. Lower left is Itzel's toucan and to the right is a toucan by Brianna.

Students learned to overlap the frog's legs to show depth in their drawing. Above left is a frog by Felipe and to the right is Lasette's frog

Jose (above left) and Agy (above right) began studying the 3D form of a jaguar. They started by sketching contour lines for the proportions of its body.

Click 'Read more' below to view everyone's drawings and Rob's comments...